Hrvatska / Croatia
U cijelom "kršćanskog svijeta", što je otprilike isto: vojni kapelan prate vojnika u ratu. Oni žele pomoći vojnicima. Oni žele pratiti vojnike. Ali oni podržavaju - svjesno ili nesvjesno - rat. Oni su plaćeni od strane vojske. Oni nose vojne odjeće. Kreću se u vojnim vozilima. Oni misle i govore kao vojnika.Vojna kapelanska služba u bolnicama je na taj način koristan mali kotačić u velikom vojnom stroju.Crkva taj način podržati vojnu i nasilje. No, Crkva trebala slijediti Isusa Krista. On je živio i poučavao nenasilje.Crkva ne treba podržati rat! (hrvatski / Croatian)
July 20, 2012, from left, U.S. Army chaplain assistant Sgt. Eric Seaburg, from 4th Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, briefs his NATO partners, Croatian Chaplain (Maj.) Ivan Blazevac and Slovakian Chaplain (2nd Lt.) Jan Magyar, on the procedures if the convoy is attacked during the live fire portion of the first five-day tactical religious support course and live fire exercise offered by the Joint Multinational Training Command July 12. The weeklong course challenged the U.S. and NATO chaplains and chaplain assistants in approximately 45 duties and tasks required of unit ministry teams during deployment. (Staff Sgt. Amy McLaughlin, 301st Public Affairs Detachment)
Croatian Translation: July 20, 2012, from left, U.S. Army chaplain assistant Sgt. Eric Seaburg, from 4th Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, briefs his NATO partners, Croatian Chaplain (Maj.) Ivan Blazevac and Slovakian Chaplain (2nd Lt.) Jan Magyar, on the procedures if the convoy is attacked during the live fire portion of the first five-day tactical religious support course and live fire exercise offered by the Joint Multinational Training Command July 12. The weeklong course challenged the U.S. and NATO chaplains and chaplain assistants in approximately 45 duties and tasks required of unit ministry teams during deployment. (Staff Sgt. Amy McLaughlin, 301st Public Affairs Detachment)