United Kingdom / Great Britain
In the whole "Christian world", it is about the same: Army Chaplains accompany soldiers in the war. They want to help the soldiers. But they support - knowingly or unknowingly - the war. They are paid by the military. They often wear military clothing. They move in military vehicles. They think and talk like the soldiers.
The military chaplaincy is in this manner a useful little wheel in the great military machine. The Church thus support the military and violence. But the church should follow Jesus Christ. He lived and taught nonviolence. The church should not support the war!
The Royal Army Chaplains' Department (RAChD) is an all-officer corps that provides ordained clergy to minister to the British Army.
As of 2013, there are about 150 serving regular chaplains (commonly known as "padres") in the British Army; these can belong to one of several Christian churches, or to the Jewish faith, although currently all active chaplains are Christian.[1] Uniquely within the British Army, the Royal Army Chaplains' Department has different cap badges for its Christian and Jewish officers. There are also chaplains in the Territorial Army and the Army Cadet Force.
Army chaplains, although they are all commissioned officers of the British Army and wear uniform, do not have executive authority. They are unique within the British Army in that they do not carry arms. At services on formal occasions, chaplains wear their medals and decorations on their clerical robes (many chaplains have been decorated for bravery in action, including three Victoria Crosses).
The RAChD's motto is "In this Sign Conquer". As seen in the sky before the battle of Milvian bridge by the Roman Emperor Constantine. Its regimental march, both quick and slow, is the Prince of Denmark's March, erroneously known as the Trumpet Voluntary.
From 1946 until 1996, the RAChD's Headquarters, Depot and Training Centre were at Bagshot Park in Surrey, now the home of The Earl and Countess of Wessex. In 1996, they moved to the joint service Armed Forces Chaplaincy Centre at Amport House near Andover, formerly the home of the Royal Air Force Chaplain Branch.
Worldwide Church against violence!
Worldwide Church against military!
The Army Chaplains' Department (AChD) was formed by Royal Warrant of 23 September 1796.[2] Previously chaplains had been part of individual regiments, but not on the central establishment. Only Anglican chaplains were recruited until 1827, when Presbyterians were recognised. Roman Catholic chaplains were recruited from 1836, Methodist chaplains from 1881, and Jewish chaplains from 1892. The Department received the "Royal" prefix in February 1919 for its services during World War I. Some 4,400 Army Chaplains were recruited between 1914 and 1918; 179 lost their lives on active service and three were awarded the Victoria Cross.
The RAChD is the only branch of the Army to perpetuate the tradition of dividing supporting troops into "departments" (officers only) and "corps" (other ranks only).
Right Reverend Richard Moth MA JCL KC*HS
- Born 8 July 1958
- Ordained Priest 3 June 1982 Ordained Bishop 29 September 2009
- Cathedral of St Michael and St George, Queens Avenue, Aldershot, Hants GU11 2BY
- Office and Records Office:
- Wellington House, St Omer Barracks, Thornhill Road, Aldershot, Hants, GU11 2BG
- Civ Tel: 01252 348234 Mil Tel: 94222 3234
- Civ Fax:01252 348235 Mil Fax: 94222 3235
Bishop’s Secretary: Mrs Jane Beards, BishopricForces-Secretary@mod.uk 01252 348234
Notary: Mrs Freda Sheppard, BishopricForces-Notary@mod.uk 01252 348231
Archivist: Mrs Kay Day, bishopricarchives@googlemail.com 01252 683162
Bishop’s Residence: 26 The Crescent, Farnborough, Hants GU14 7AS, Tel: 01252 373699
Vicars General: Mgr Paul Donovan QHC MBA STL FCMI FRSA VG RN, Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain (Naval) & Director Naval Chaplaincy Service (Capability), MP1.2 Leach Building, Whale Island, Portsmouth, PO2 8BY, Tel: 023 92625193 paul.donovan506@mod.uk
Rev Francis Barber VG CF(RC) Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain (Army), ACG, HQ 4 Div, Steeles Road, Aldershot, GU11 2DP, Tel: 01252 347058 francis.barber963@mod.uk
Rev Paul Owens VG RAF Chaplaincy Office, RAF Halton, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 5PG, Tel: 01296 656910 Paul.Owens938@halton.raf.mod.uk
Bishop Emeritus: Rt Rev Francis J Walmsley CBE, St John’s Convent, Kiln Green, Reading, Berks RG10 9XP, Tel: 0118 9402743
Ecclesiastical Consultant: The Judicial Vicar, Archbishop’s House, Westminster, London, SW1P 1QJ, Tel: 020 7828 3255
Chancellor: Rev Ian Evans RAChD, HQ 15 (NE) Bde, Imphal Barracks, York YO10 4HD, Tel: 01904 662555, Mil Tel: 94777 2555, ian.evans124@mod.uk